CAISO and Astraea have joined forces to support Caribbean LGBTQI+ organisations through a shared vision for responsive grantmaking that is regionally operated. These responsive grants are intended to support LGBTQI+ organisational sustainability and capacity needs, community building, strategic advocacy actions and policy-shaping opportunities, unexpected networking and alliance-building opportunities, and COVID-19-based responses and needs. We believe that this type of support is critical for enabling organisations to adapt to changing conditions and continue to respond to the needs of community members on the ground. This includes capacity-building that promotes sustainability and community building, as well as advocacy actions and cross-regional alliances and collaborations, among others.

The CAISO-Astraea Caribbean Responsive Funding Mechanism will offer grants through cycles of applications. All Caribbean LGBTQI+ organisations (in countries listed below) are eligible to apply but priority will be given to LGBTQI+ women-led organisations. Also, priority will be given to small grassroots organisations and community groups. Details on eligibility and criteria are below. Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL)-Caribbean multi-year LGBTQI+ organisation grantee partners are also eligible for grants. Applications will be reviewed by a panel comprising CAISO board members and LGBTQI+ leaders from across the region.

Please note, you are required to login using a Google account or sign up for a free Airtable account and you can request a copy of your submitted application.

Eligibility requirements and criteria

  • LGBTI+ led organisations in the Caribbean region (with a mission/vision that includes advancing/advocating LGBTQI+ rights and/or providing services and support for LGBTQI+ persons/community). | Eligible Countries: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bonaire, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL)-Caribbean multi-year LGBTQI+ organisation grantee partners are encouraged to apply.
  • Priority will be given to LGBTQI+ women-led and trans-led organisations and small grassroots organisations and community groups (who have had little to no funding streams).
  • Range – USD 2,500 min to 10,000 max | Grant Period – no more than 12 months.
  • A Bank Account is required but if the organisation does not have one – they can use another organisation as a fiscal sponsor (grants will NOT be given or awarded to individuals).
  • Collaborations are welcome and encouraged (but not required).
  • NGO/NPO registration is NOT mandatory.
  • Two References are required.
  • Organisations can apply for more than one grant only if the total amount requested and awarded does not exceed the max USD 10,000 (for the grant period of one year).


Organisational Sustainability and Capacity Needs
Short-term / Crisis Support

  • Support for economic, social, and/or environmental challenges
  • Organisational development (Board and/or Staff) for the long-term resilience
  • Organisational leadership transitions and sustainability
  • Organisational/movement security planning
  • Strategic planning
  • Fundraising strategy development
  • Communications strategy development
  • Technology assessments and upgrades in response to COVID-19
  • Conflict resolution and transformative justice planning
  • Healing, integrated/holistic security, self/collective care
  • Media and communications campaigns
  • Enhancing monitoring, evaluation and learning design, methodology and tools
  • Financial management

Policy Advocacy, Community Building, Collaboration

  • Networking and alliance-building opportunities – particularly those that focus on strengthening LGBTQI+ organisations and collaborations
  • Attending and/or organising national, regional and/or international gatherings (trainings, convenings, workshops, etc.). Please note that this includes the labour/resources required to organize virtual meetings (e.g. video conferencing software, technology support, hiring online facilitation, etc.)
  • Launching regional or international peer-to-peer exchanges (in person/virtual)
  • Holding regional and international activist-led strategy sessions (in person/virtual)
  • Strategic opportunities to participate in policy spaces and engage with duty bearers (e.g. Government Ministers, Policy Makers, Judges, Police, Service Providers, etc.)
  • Initiating regional or international collaborative campaigns and joint action (in person/virtual)
  • Creating spaces for cross-regional conversations on holistic security, policy advocacy, social and cultural reformation programmes, public education, leadership, etc. (in person/virtual)
  • Creating community-led infrastructures to withstand political and natural disasters, particularly ones that are intersectional (e.g., being inclusive of other marginal groups’ identities – such as ability, race, class, etc.)

Transparency & Accountability Policy

The review process will be led by CAISO and a regional group with decision-making authority, guided by the co-created CAISO-Astraea methodology and the eligibility criteria. The entire process will be fully transparent to applicants and the review panel.

CAISO is committed to a regionally inclusive and diverse review team with appointments guided by the CAISO board of directors. Astraea will serve as a consultant/mediator where needed, especially in any case where there may be a conflict of interest in the review process.

Regional Review Panel

The Review Panel is responsible for the following:
Scoring Rubric based on agreed criteria for funding;

  • Receiving, reviewing, and deciding on applications for emergency grants;
  • Addressing conflicts of interest – Review Panel members who are associated with any applicant will recuse themselves from the review process of that application; and
  • Providing feedback and recommendations to applicants, as needed.

Members of the Review Panel are:

  • CAISO Board of Directors & Programme Officers (Angelique V. Nixon and Catherine Shepherd)
  • Representatives/leaders from established LGBTQI organisations in the region:
    • Cycle Three Panel (2024):
    • — Col McEwan (GuyBow, Guyana)
      — Renae Greene (TransWave, Jamaica)
      — Dominique Eunice St Vil (OTRAH, Haiti)
      — Lucien Govaard (ECADE, Suriname)
      — Jeshua Bardoo (ERAO, St Vincent and the Grenadines)
    • Cycles One & Two Panels:
      — Alessandra Herman (Guyana Trans United, Guyana) – cycle one & two
      — Ifáṣínà Efunyemi (POWA, Belize) – cycle one & two
      — MX Williams (TransWave, Jamaica) – cycle one
      — Anne Eunice St Vil (Dominique) (OTRAH, Haiti) – cycle one & two
      — Lucien Govaard (ECADE, Suriname) – cycle two
      — Maria Fontenelle (ECADE, St Lucia) – cycle one

Cycle 3 Responsive Grant Award Data

Cycle 2 Responsive Grant Award Data

Cycle 1 Responsive Grant Award Data

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