CAISO: Sex and Gender Justice in Trinidad and Tobago has partnered with Bocas Lit Fest since 2017 to organise a space to celebrate Caribbean LGBTQI+ writing and writers. This event has usually been held in person during the Bocas Lit Fest as an evening event with music and dancing featuring a mix of well-known local and diaspora writers and performers. We call this event “BackChat” in honour of the groundbreaking Caribbean LGBT literary readings held in New York over 20 years ago – and as a way to continue showcasing and celebrating Caribbean diverse genders and sexualities.
Mapping (In)Justice
Mapping (In)Justice was an anti-police violence social media campaign for better policing. The campaign employed a “know your rights” methodology to create awareness and mobilise key stakeholders. The campaign consisted of a series of social media posts and other media engagements from August to September 2022. We launched the campaign at an Education Booth with pamphlets and posters at the 2022 Emancipation Village (Queens Park Savannah in Trinidad) and at the Procession on Emancipation Day – 1st August 2022.
Mas Healing
Mas Healing is a space carved out by the CAISO team for healing using creative energy – through a 2-day workshop and communal preparation for Jouvay. The workshop facilitates healing practises through mas-making and skill sharing around self-care and community care. The main goal is to encourage self-advocacy and empowerment for LGBTQI+ community members. Participants use their own creativity as a tool for self-expression, processing emotions, grounding and balance, and recharging the spirit. And participants are invited to play mas on Jouvay morning as a small group with the mas we create.