Mapping (In)Justice is an anti-police violence social media campaign for better policing. The campaign employs a “know your rights” methodology to create awareness and mobilise key stakeholders. The campaign consists of a series of social media posts and other media engagements from August to September 2022. We launched the campaign at an Education Booth with pamphlets and posters at the 2022 Emancipation Village (Queens Park Savannah in Trinidad) and at the Procession on Emancipation Day – 1st August 2022.
The social media campaign was featured across CAISO platforms, and a newspaper and radio ad was also featured to complement the social media campaign and engagement.
Partners of this campaign include the Caribbean Centre for Human Rights, Millenium Sisters, Network for NGOs for the Advancement of Women, Working Women for Social Progress, & WOMANTRA.
Join the campaign by sharing information, re-posting the infographics, and learning more about our rights and how we can hold leaders and police accountable.
For more information on how to join and support, please contact Project Coordinator Johannah Rae-Reyes at [email protected].