CAISO: Sex & Gender Justice is a registered non-profit organisation in Trinidad and Tobago.
Founded in June 2009 as Coalition Advocating for the Inclusion of Sexual Orientation, CAISO changed its name in 2016 to
CAISO: Sex and Gender Justice to align closer with the growth in our areas of focus, namely wholeness, justice, and inclusion.
For over a decade, CAISO has offered the public a consistent voice and face for LGBTQI+ issues and human rights, shifting the needle measurably on how the nation imagines, understands, and talks about sex and gender diversity and sexual justice.

To mobilise a forward-thinking, visionary, and human rights approach to wholeness, justice, and inclusion for Trinidad and Tobago’s LGBTQI+ communities, through developing analysis, alliances, and advocacy.
To be a catalyst for political, cultural, and social transformation that secures and affirms LGBTQI+ rights and freedoms.
CAISO is guided by core values that underpin how our work is designed, implemented, reported, and sustained.
These values – Wholeness, Justice, Imagination, Inclusion, Empowerment, Community, Accountability, & Feminism – also guide how CAISO and those who work with and in CAISO see and engage with our beneficiaries, stakeholders, and the wider world.