Call to Action
Community Food Bank
Your support will help us assist the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQI+ community with groceries and personal supplies. We accept canned goods, frozen goods, other non-perishable foodstuffs, clothing, vouchers and cash. For more information call +1-868-384-9213 or email us at [email protected]
Model Workplace Policy
CAISO is available to offer support, training and resources for all employers and workplaces that want to adopt/adapt and implement this policy. And we invite your feedback on the policy as it is a living document. This is the 2nd version – updated in May 2022.
Contact us at [email protected] | [email protected]

Fundraiser: Barbie Film
During the month of July, CAISO decided to take advantage of one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year and hosted a very successful fundraiser with a Barbie Movie Premiere!
Nature Walk: Avocat Falls
Check out our last foray into nature with a lovely hike into the scenic and tranquil Avocat Falls for our Community Nature Day.
What We Do
For over a decade, CAISO: Sex and Gender Justice has offered the public a consistent voice and face for LGBTQI+ issues and human rights, shifting the needle measurably on how the nation imagines, understands, and talks about sex and gender diversity and sexual justice.
CLICK HERE for more about our History and Background.
Volunteer with CAISO
Ready to create change in your community? CAISO has exciting opportunities for volunteers in the following areas:
— Research
— Project support
— Event support
For more info email us at [email protected].